Test And Improve Your
Male Hormone Health
with AZ-TRT

Monitor, track and improve key hormones of long-term liver health with a simple 7-in-1 at-home blood test.
Was $88.00
Now Only $115.00
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Test And Improve Your Male Hormone Health
with AZ-TRT

Monitor, track & improve key hormones of long-term male health and function with a simple 7-in-1 at-home blood test.
Now Only $115.00

What Biomarkers Are Measured?

Total Testosterone
Testosterone is most commonly associated with sex drive, and is crucial for sperm production. It can also impact bone and muscle mass.
Free Testosterone
Free testosterone can bind to any cell in the body and helps regulate metabolism, and execute a variety of other cellular functions.
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)
PSA is primarily used as a means to liquify the semen in males and plays an important role in fertility.
In early reproductive years, estradiol assists in developing and maintaining male sex characteristics during puberty.
LH (Lueteinzing Hormone)
LH is a hormone made in the pituitary gland. LH is one of the main sex hormones and triggers testosterone production in the testes.
SHBG ( Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)
SHBG is a glycoprotein produced in the liver and binds to male sex hormones such as estradiol.
Visceral Fat
An estimate of fat surrounding the organs and is linked to proper organ function. Measured by waist to height ratio.

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What Biomarkers Are Measured?

Total Testosterone

Testosterone is most commonly associated with sex drive, and is crucial for sperm production. It can also impact bone and muscle mass.

Free Testosterone

Free testosterone can bind to any cell in the body and helps regulate metabolism, and execute a variety of other cellular functions.

PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)

PSA is primarily used as a means to liquify the semen in males and plays an important role in fertility.


In early reproductive years, estradiol assists in developing and maintaining male sex characteristics during puberty.

LH (Luteinizing Hormone)

LH is a hormone made in the pituitary gland. LH is one of the main sex hormones and triggers testosterone production in the testes.

SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)

SHBG is a glycoprotein produced in the liver and binds to male sex hormones such as estradiol.

Visceral Fat

An estimate of fat surrounding the organs and is linked to proper organ function. Measured by waist to height ratio.